Can You Fix a Cracked Bowling Ball? 6 Easy Steps
It is no secret that every bowler has that one ball they consider their lucky charm. You may like one over others because it gives you a good game with a competitive score every time. Finding a crack on your favorite ball is no less than a heartbreak.
You cannot replace bowling balls easily, especially if it is your favorite ball. Can you fix a cracked bowling ball? There are several ways to save your ball, depending on the damage intensity, if you are not ready to replace it.
Specific reasons cause a crack in the ball. Let’s, start from there, followed by the process of fixing that crack.
What Causes a Bowling Ball to Crack?
1. Improper Handling
There can be specific reasons that can cause a crack in the ball. Not knowing how to hold a bowling ball, throwing it forcefully properly, and mishandling it can cause a crack in the ball. Handling and launching throws properly with a particular force can reduce this risk.
2. Impact
If you are using a ball for a long time, continuous impact with the hard surface can cause the ball to develop a crack. Hitting the ball forcefully against the pins and slamming it hard against the floor can also result in cracks.
3. Extreme Temperature
The materials used in ball making, such as polyester, urethane, and reactive resin, are susceptible to extreme temperatures. Urethane bowling balls vs. reactive resin balls both are highly sensitive. Keeping a ball in freezing temperatures or a car trunk during hot days can cause the crack.
Bowling Ball Repair – 6 Steps To Follow
Now that you are aware of the reasons that cause cracks on the ball’s surface, it’s time to learn if you can repair a cracked bowling ball. Replacing a ball can be too challenging, given that it is your favorite. So, first, you must try to save it.
Read also: What to do With an Old Bowling Ball – 13 Repurposed Ideas
Only some of the cracks on the ball’s surface can be fixed. Only the cracks on the surface that are not profoundly rooted can be fixed. Wide or branched cracks that run deeply cannot be repaired, so replacement is the only option.
Before the process, ensure you have all the necessary tools, like a ball repair kit. The kit includes equipment like fillers, adhesives, and essential items to fill the cracks. Remember to wear gloves to protect your skin and a mask to protect the nasal cavity from the smell of glue.
1 – Clean the Crack
When you are done assessing the crack, form a judgment if it can be fixed. Now the next step is to clean the crack. If the surface is dirt-free, the adhesive or filler can easily do its work. Use a mild soap or a wet wipe to clean the crack gently and the surface around it; don’t put too much pressure on it.
2 – Prepare the material
Remember we talked earlier about a repair kit; it comes with a manual. Read the manual carefully to find out how the glue or adhesive works. Can a cracked bowling ball be fixed with a filler or adhesive?
Some fillers are powdered; mix them with water to form a filling paste. It is usually used for wide cracks. Prepare the material according to the need of the crack; if it is a thin crack, the glue will do the job, but if it is wide, go for the filler.
3 – Apply the Material
After choosing the suitable filler, now it’s time to apply it. Some fillers come with specialized applicators, and certain adhesives have nozzles. You can use a toothpick or a little thing if they don’t.
Keep a gentle hand while applying the fillers, and ensure that the whole crack surface is covered. If you leave some undone, that spot will again become vulnerable. Refrain from filling the space; otherwise, it will seem messy.
4 – Shape the Repair
After applying the filler or any repair mater, use a plastic scraper or gloved fingertip to remove the excess material from the side. Also, smooth the surface to make it contoured with the curve of the ball.
After this, allow the filler material to get dried. Take your time with the process of drying. Let us take the usual time, and avoid implying any external reinforcement to trigger the drying process. Avoid touching and using the ball while it’s still in the process.
5 – Final Touches
After it is dried completely, check with some pins. Once you are sure, then use sandpaper and rub it gently on the repaired surface. It will scratch off all the extra repair material and ensure the smoothness alone the real curve of the ball. Go from coarse grit to fine grit achieving a perfectly smooth finish. Apply the polish or paint to the ball’s surface, camouflaging the repair with the ball’s color.
6 – Test the Ball
After finishing the repair process, it’s time to test the ball. First, position and gently launch the ball with the required force. Keep a close eye on it landing and hitting the pins. If it is smooth and regular, then it’s all good. If the movements are shaking or the ball slows down, the repair is not working. Test the ball several times on the slow and fastest bowling ball speed.
Wrap Up
Wrapping up the discussion on whether you can fix a cracked bowling ball, I know it is not easy to let go of your favorite ball, so I know why it can cause a crack in the ball’s surface. Take precautionary measures to avoid those. If the crack still happens, follow my procedure to stitch it up. With a good repair kit, granting your bowling ball new life is easy.
Repair the crack on your ball now, and keep it rolling on the bowling alley. Let me know if you found this method working.

William Martin is a passionate bowler who spends most of his weekends playing the sport. With years of intense experience under his belt, William decided to share his knowledge by creating BOWLING OCEAN. Join me on this journey to explore the world of bowling and discover the tips and tricks to becoming a pro.